博士 教授 博士生导师 体育与健康学院院长
1.郭可雷.义务教育阶段学生校园运动参与的理论基础与实践路径[M].人民体育出版社, 2021.
2.郭可雷.体育教师教学能力实训[M].人民体育出版社, 2022.
3.郭可雷.体育教育专业课程思政建设研究. Scholar Publishing Group, 2023.10.
1. 2020年安徽省高校科研项目重大项目:安徽省中小学生健康行为评价与培养研究(编号:SK2020ZD013).
2. 2020年安徽省社会科学创新发展研究课题(攻关课题):体育学科核心素养下中小学生体育品德评价与培养研究(编号:2020CX184).
3. 2022年度广东省教育科学规划课题(高等教育专项):体育教育专业课程思政建设机制与路径研究(编号:2022GXJK356).
4. 2022年度广东省高等教育科学研究规划重大课题:供给侧改革视域下体育教师培养机制与路径研究 (编号:22JS0102).
1. The Relationship between Empowering Motivational Climate in Physical Education and Social Responsibility of High School Students:Chain Mediating Effect Test.Frontiers in psychology (SSCI), 2022.01,第一作者.
2. The Relationship between Physical Exercise and Mobile Phone Addiction Tendency of University Students in China: A Moderated Mediation Model.Frontiers in psychology (SSCI),2022.02,第一作者.
3. The Relationship Between Empowering Motivational Climate in Physical Education and Social Adaptation of Senior High School Students: An Analysis of Chain Mediating Effect.Frontiers in psychology (SSCI), 2022.05,第一作者.
4. The Relationship between Exercise Intention and Exercise Behavior of Junior School Students: An Analysis of Chain Mediating Effect.Frontiers in psychology (SSCI), 2022.08,通讯作者.
5. The Relationship between Physical Exercise and School Adaptation of Junior Students.:A Chain Mediating Model.Frontiers in psychology (SSCI), 2022.09,通讯作者.
6. Effect of Physical Exercise on Sleep Quality of College Students: Chain Intermediary Effect of Mindfulness and Ruminative Thinking.Frontiers in psychology (SSCI), 2022.09,通讯作者.
7. The relationship between physical exercise and prosocial behavior of junior middle school students in post-epidemic period: The Chain mediating effect of emotional intelligence and sports learning motivation and gender differences.Psychology Research and Behavior Management (SSCI), 2022.09,通讯作者.
8. The Relationship Between Physical Exercise and Subjective Well-Being among Chinese Junior High School Students: A Chain Mediating Model.Frontiers in psychology (SSCI), 2023.01,通讯作者.
9. Research on the relationship between physical activity, sleep quality, psychological resilience, and social adaptation among Chinese college students: A cross-sectional study.Frontiers in psychology (SSCI), 2023.02,通讯作者.
10. The relationship between exercise motivation and exercise behavior in college students: The chain-mediated role of exercise atmosphere and exercise self-efficacy.Frontiers in psychology (SSCI), 2023.04,通讯作者.
11. Physical Activity and Social Adaptation: A Chain Mediating Model Test.Social Behavior and Personality (SSCI), 2023.06,通讯作者.
12. The Relationship between Exercise Motivation and Mental Health in College Students: The Chain Mediating Effect of Perceived Social Support and Resilience.Social Behavior and Personality (SSCI), 2023.08,通讯作者.
13. Exercise adherence and body dysmorphic disorder: Chain mediating effect of appearance-based rejection sensitivity and social anxiety.Social Behavior and Personality (SSCI), 2023.06,通讯作者.
14. Physical Activity and Depression: A Chain Mediation Model.Social Behavior and Personality (SSCI), 2023.10,通讯作者.
15. Exercise Adherence and Subjective Well-being: A Chain Mediating Effect Model.Social Behavior and Personality (SSCI), 2023.10,通讯作者.
16. Exercise Adherence and Meaning in Life: Chain Mediating Effect.Social Behavior and Personality (SSCI), 2023.11,通讯作者.
17. Physical Activity Motivation and Social Development:A Chain Mediation Model.Social Behavior and Personality (SSCI), 2023.11,通讯作者.
1. 2020-2021 年度肇庆学院优秀科研成果奖(社科优秀成果奖).成果名称:义务教育阶段学生校园运动参与的理论基础与实践路径.
2. 2021年度肇庆学院个人科研成果奖三等奖.
3. 2022年度肇庆学院科研十佳教师.
4. 2022 年度肇庆学院个人科研成果奖一等奖.
5. 2023年度肇庆学院优秀科研成果奖一等奖.